Friday, October 25, 2024

Teaser ~ for The Curse of Winford Manor


The Curse of Winford Manor
by Loc Glin
Genre: Mainstream Romance
Heat Rating: SENSUAL
Word Count: 44,821
Categories: Historical Paranormal Romance (MF), Time Travel, HEA

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 Leslie Braddock feels responsible for her husband’s death. She is having trouble reentering the dating scene. Leslie travels back in time where she meets Sir James.

Sir James Winford is a three-time widower. He believes he is cursed and is certain death to any woman he loves. He has vowed never to love again.

Emily, the ghost of Sir James's first wife has unfinished business, and still lingers at Winford Manor. She wants to see her husband happy, and she wants to bring her murderer to justice.

Rose has loved Sir James since childhood. She must live with the unspeakable things she has done trying to make James see her as more than a child. She believes she is close to achieving that goal when Leslie shows up.

Leslie and Sir James share the experience of losing a loved one. Will Leslie be the woman to break the curse? Or will she be just another victim.


Margaret watched as Leslie moved fully into her line of sight. “My,” Margaret said, suppressing her surprise. “I hadn’t realized fashion has changed so much since I was last in town.”

“I, umm.” Leslie looked down at her jeans.

“Never mind, dear, we will find something for you.” She turned to her son. “Have the maid go into the attic and bring down Emily’s trunks. They are about the same size.”

Sir James frowned but pulled the cord for the butler. “Must it be Emily’s things, Mother?”

“Yes, dear, she has no use for them anymore.”

“Quite right, Mother,” the ghost standing behind Margaret agreed. “I never did like them rotting away in the attic.”

“Yes, I know, dear,” Margaret replied.

“What did you say, Mother?”

“Nothing, dear.” She turned her head and glanced at Emily. “I simply must remember not to answer you. Everyone thinks I’m going senile,” she mouthed.


A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the 
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Friday, October 18, 2024

Teaser ~ for Anonymous by Loc Glin


By Loc Glin
Heat Rating: SCORCHING
Word Count: 21,305 words
Categories: Erotic Contemporary Romance (MF), HEA

Jennifer Hartstrum has trouble with men. Her relationship with an abusive father left her with a speech impediment that flares up only when she dates. Her friend talks her into trying an exciting new dating experience, the Anonymous Club, a place where a date is an adventure and fantasies can come true. One must choose an alias, and anonymity is guaranteed.

Andrew Martin is looking for a woman who can keep up with him outside of the bedroom as well as in bed. He tries the Anonymous Club with low expectations.

When Jennifer and Andrew meet, it is Chemistry 101. Have they found what they are looking for? In a world of aliases and mystery, is anyone really who they say they are? What happens when anonymity is good for one but not the other?


Ace entered the room. Shit. She was gorgeous. He wanted to jump her bones right then and there. He controlled the urge. According to the prep card, her name was Cocheta. He wondered if she knew what it meant. “Cocheta?” he said.

“Ace?” she looked up. “Are you sure you’re in the right room?”

“The Librarian, right?” he asked.

“Right,” she said as she closed the book. “You don’t exactly look like you belong here. The tight jeans and Guinea T-shirt don’t quite fit the scenario.”

“I was running late and had to skip wardrobe. I took off my shirt because I spilled coffee on it. See,” he said, showing her the garment.


“So, what made you choose this scenario?” he asked as he sat down at the table. His erection was a little uncomfortable. Maybe if he got her to sit down so he couldn’t see her legs and that fantastic a**, it might let up a bit. “Have a seat,” he said. He watched her move toward the table. Her shoes clicked on the ceramic tile floor, and the high heels made her hips sway in a seductive way.

“I like books,” she said as she sat across from him and put the book onto the table.

The smile disappeared from her face, and the warm look in her eyes changed just slightly. It was as if she was preparing herself for something unpleasant.

“You’re kidding. That’s just part of the act right?”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but no, I really do like books. Worse than that, I like to read them.”

There was a touch of sarcasm in her words. Ace laughed. “You like to read, and you have spunk. Very refreshing.”


That clearly wasn’t the reply she was expecting. “And totally unexpected. I like books, too, and I’ve been known to read a few myself.”

A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the 
Funny/Stupid and Interesting Tabs  
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Friday, October 11, 2024

Teaser ~ for Mission Almost Impossible by Loc Glin


Mission Almost Impossible
By Loc Glin
Genre: Erotic Romance
Word Count: 13,206
Heat Rating: SCORCHING

Categories: Erotic Romance (MF), Action/Adventure – Futuristic – Science Fiction

Published By: Luminosity Publishing
Available in: Adobe Acrobat, Epub, Mobipocket (.mobi)

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The odds are against him, but Jerin will find a way! With or without the gene Kaley will be his…

On Setera, only one in four hundred thousand is born possessing the cryan gene—a gene essential to the survival of the Seteran race. Jerin and the others like him are duty bound to find the match to that gene somewhere in the universe, for it can no longer be found on Setera. With no clear instructions on how this task is to be accomplished it is a daunting undertaking, like finding a needle in a haystack.

Jerin’s assigned quadrant is Earth. After twelve years of searching he is beginning to lose hope, until the answer hits him over the head with a frying pan. Now all he has to do is convince this beautiful, feisty woman to follow him to another universe in a galaxy far far away.


“Maybe we ought to call for a doctor,” the policeman said. “How long has he been like that?”

“Since I called you.”

“You say he broke into the premises?”


“There is no sign of forced entry that I can see.” He moved his head around perusing the area one more time. “And there is luggage in the foyer.”

Kaley nibbled her bottom lip. “I noticed.”

“You gave him a good whack.”

“Well, he’s big, and I was afraid.”

The conversation barely registered in Jerin’s head. He felt like he was dying, or maybe he just wished he was dead. His head was pounding. He tried to open his eyes, which made the room spin. He moaned and closed them tightly again. He heard a female gasp.

“He’s coming to!” She sounded panicked and yet relieved.

“So he is. Now, we can get to the bottom of this.”

A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the
Funny/Stupid and Interesting Tabs
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Friday, October 4, 2024

Teaser ~ for Undivided Attention (A Mystic Museum Novella) by Loc Glin

Undivided Attention
The Mystic Museum Series 5
By Loc Glin
Genre: Erotic Romance
Word Count: 30,233
Heat Rating: SEXTREME

Categories: Erotic Romance (MF), bondage, spanking, paranormal elements, HEA 

On the eve of her wedding, Korina discovers the rumors of her betrothed’s hideous looks are true. Fearing the stories of his brutality are also factual she takes drastic action. The result of which lands her in an alien dimension.

Five years later she is compelled to visit Minerva’s Mystic Museum. The ‘powers that be’ have interceded giving her the chance to change that destiny.

Korina is sent home where she discovers it is the morning of her wedding day. Determined to do the right thing, she marries Adam.

Witches are not unknown to Korina, so how will she handle the curse that has divided her husband into two men?

Adam is caring and kind. Arun is, well, a bastard! Unbeknownst to her they are two halves of the whole man she has married.

Will Adam’s ugly face and Arun’s kinky sexual desires send her running home? Or, will she stay with her husband, honoring her betrothal commitment?

Does Korina have a kinky side as well?

How will she break the curse? Does she want to? 

Here is the premise for the Mystic Museum Series

Minerva’s Mystic Museum is located in New York City. Every full moon the “powers that be” choose someone from the visitors of the museum. This someone, known as the mystic walker, will be the hero/heroine of the novel. The “powers” select someone they feel deserves a second chance, or just a chance to follow their destiny. Minerva, the curator and caretaker of the museum meets the chosen mystic walker. Through the magic that has been entrusted to her, Minerva supplies them with the opportunity to change their lives.


Adam held Korina in his arms, one arm under her back and the other under her knees. He felt like a little boy with a Christmas present. Oh, how he looked forward to opening this present. Korina’s head fell backwards and her braid swayed as he walked. If he were shorter he'd be stepping on it. He looked forward to seeing those blonde strands draped loosely about her in bed. His cock began to swell at the image that created in his mind. A moan slipped from between Korina’s lips. It was almost as if she were attuned to his erotic thoughts.

He shifted her in his arms so that her head lay on his chest near his shoulder. When her arms snaked around his neck, his heart skipped a beat. She was holding him. At that moment he fell in love with her.



A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the 

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Friday, September 27, 2024

Teaser ~ for End Detour (A Mystic Museum Novella) by Loc Glin

End Detour
The Mystic Museum Series 4
By Loc Glin
Genre: Erotic Romance
Word Count: 32,964
Heat Rating: SEXTREME

Categories: Erotic Romance (MF), African-American, Contemporary, paranormal elements, HEA
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Visiting Minerva’s Mystic Museum can change lives forever. Magic makes life altering changes possible. Can Shamika and Harold forgive and forget? Can they overcome trust issues and make a life together?

Shamika must give up the life that she has come to accept and trust as normal. Is it time for a change? Does she really want a change? Will her history as a prostitute make that change impossible? Does Harold’s stubbornness prevent it? The unlikely pair are about to find out.

One encounter in a barn catapults these two strangers down a road of self examination and rediscovery. Past events have tainted their visions of what life should be. The powers that be have given them the opportunity to change their lives. Join them as they conquer their fears and the past disappointments that haunt them.

Family ties will be drawn into question. A possible future together will terrify them.

Mystic Museum magic is in the air!


“Mika will want to leave with me tomorrow,” Hugo said.

Hugo and Nadine were sitting on the porch in the front of the house. The sun was riding low in the west. A few clouds with an underbelly of grey dotted the early twilight of the horizon. Streaks of pink and orange colored the sky, changing the grey to purple in places.

“I know,” Nadine agreed.

“I wish there was a way to change her mind.” Hugo leaned forward. Elbows on his knees, he cupped his chin in the palms of his hands and drummed his fingers on the side of his face near his cheekbones.

“So, you see the way Harold looks at her, too?” Nadine was smiling.

“He’s got it bad.” Hugo leaned back and returned his wife’s smile.

“It’s funny to watch him. First he looks angry. Then he looks like you used to look just before we made love. Then he shakes his head and gets angry again.” She sighed. “Do you think he’s angry with her, or with himself?”

“A little of both.” Hugo chuckled.

“Maybe she’d stay if she thought we needed her,” Nadine mused.


“Hugo, get the ace bandage.”


“I just sprained my wrist,” Nadine said with a devilish twinkle in her eye.

Hugo looked at her strangely, then her meaning sank in. “You certainly did. Don’t move, I know how much it hurts.” He kissed her cheek and chuckled as he went to the medicine chest.

A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the 
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Friday, September 20, 2024

Teaser ~ for Unleashing the Woman Within (A Mystic Museum Novella) by Loc Glin

Unleashing the Woman Within
The Mystic Museum Series 3
By Loc Gliln
Genre: Erotic Romance
Word Count: 20,900
Heat Rating: SEXTREME
Categories: Erotic Romance (MF), BDSM, Contemporary, paranormal elements, HEA

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Rowena Milestone, corporate executive, has an accomplished career. Yet one thing eludes her. Try as she might she can’t seem to have an orgasm even though she likes sex. Her position in the corporate man’s world tends to intimidate her dates. They perform well enough in bed, but they just don’t push her over the edge, until she meets Stephen.

Stephen Sloan has a secret. He belongs to a very special, no holds barred, anything goes sex club. He never thought he’d meet anyone like Rowena there, so he wanted to believe her outrageous story that she didn’t know how she’d gotten there. When she disappeared without a trace he knew she’d been telling the truth. Now armed with three pieces of information he is determined to find her.

Rowena was devastated when the curator of the museum couldn’t help. Minerva had said, "If the universe is willing, he will come to you." Fat chance she has of that happening.

Here is the premise for the Mystic Museum Series

Minerva’s Mystic Museum is located in New York City. Every full moon the “powers that be” choose someone from the visitors of the museum. This someone, known as the mystic walker, will be the hero/heroine of the novel. The “powers” select someone they feel deserves a second chance, or just a chance to follow their destiny. Minerva, the curator and caretaker of the museum meets the chosen mystic walker. Through the magic that has been entrusted to her, Minerva supplies them with the opportunity to change their lives.


 “Yes, I would like something to eat.” She wouldn’t be able to swallow a thing, but she had to use this circumstance and take a chance. Maybe she could run away from him before he could catch her. She would have to try.

“Good.” He pushed himself off of her. He kissed her nose before he rose.

She felt cold and lonely without him. She chided herself for such foolish feelings.

He went into the bathroom and closed the door. She sprang out of the bed and trotted across the room. She turned the knob of the door into the room. She thought she’d heard him lock it when he’d come in. She moved back to the bed. She picked up her shoes on the way.

The bathroom door opened. Stephen stepped out. “Your turn to freshen up,” he said. He was smiling.

God he was handsome when he smiled. He stood there naked, and she devoured him.

“Hold that thought. First we eat.”

A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the
Funny/Stupid and Interesting Tabs

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