Monday, May 22, 2017

Rick K. Reut ~ presents ~ Even Braver New World State

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TITLE:  Even Braver New World State
RELEASE DATE: February 15, 2017
AUTHOR: Rick K. Reut
ISBN: 978-1542507950
IMPRINT: Devil’s Tower

KEYWORDS: Transsexual, Transgender, Trans-human, Biotechnology, Dystopia, LGBT, Science Fiction

CATEGORIES: Science Fiction/Dystopian/LGBT

The story is a sequel and a sort of a counterpoint to Aldous Huxley’s classic modernist masterpiece Brave New World.


The story is a sequel to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. It takes place seventy-seven summers since. The World State has changed considerably, having taken a bio-technological turn towards transsexualism, on the one hand, and technology-provided social-communism, on the other. The only place this post-gender and post-capitalist progress hasn’t pervaded yet is the reservation area of so-called Isolated Islands, where Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson were to be exiled at the end of the original book.

The protagonist of this story is Bernard’s grandson, Adam Marx, who, being disappointed with his life on the world’s margins, longs for the Mainland. But it looks like his dream can never come true, for there is no place for a naturally born man in a society of biotechnological mutants. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, however, his cravings happen to coincide with an ongoing campaign of one of the ten current World State’s Controllers, pursuing Its own political purposes.

I was born in a small Belarusian town called Borisov, which was still a part of the USSR in the ice-cold-war winter of a more than symbolic 1984, in a world so hopelessly Orwellian that it is still falling apart from sleepless dreams to become brave new. This may as well be the reason for my first book title.

Growing up on American Movies and British Rock Music made me Bilingual. Trilingual, if you count the dying Belarusian language we were customarily made to study at school. I could even go as far as calling myself “quad-lingual” every time I recall the revolting bits and pieces of minced German tongue the teachers tried their worst to force down my throat in college. But, to the pseudo-patriotic pride and pleasure of an unnaturally born Brit, they failed miserably. However, as an outcome of the conditioned reflex I acquired at that time, I still run for a plastic bag each time I hear the Reich Kanzler open her mouth on TV.

An avid reader of American and English literature since high school, starting with Jack London’s Martin Eden, I have always been madly in love with the language and its literary legacy. This love may also be responsible for the monstrous mixture of an American Englishman at heart and an Australian of New Zealand’s breed somewhere below the equatorial belt I am today. Yes, and a Belarusian neck up, which I try my best to hide behind a philosopher’s beard in shame for my country’s current political regime.

I began to write lyrics in English around the age of 15, in Russian around 18, in prose around 20, and in letters around the whole wide world in two years of unrequited affection that made me consider the pastime seriously. And so I wrote. Mostly for and to myself, but then more and more frequently to others. Despite the latter’s enduring encouragement, I’d never tried publishing outside the campus community. That is, not till now.

Having studied up to a BA in both literature and philosophy in 2006 and 2010, respectively, I also happen to be the author of two theses: “The Problem of Post-Gender Identity in Contemporary Social Theory” (in Russian; Department of Philosophy, European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania) and “Pulp Fiction 2, from Shakespeare 2 Tarantino and Back, an Inter-Textual Language Analysis of the Evolution of the Dramatic Genre from the 16th Century Play to the 20th Century Screenplay” (in English; Department of Philology, St. Petersburg’s State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, a Pilot Program in Collaboration with Bard College of Liberal Arts, USA).

All this academic abracadabra, however, is hardly of any help when it comes to making the mentioned sleepless dreams come true unless someone gives them a little literary lift.



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