Friday, August 23, 2024

Teaser ~ for Anonymous by Loc Glin

By Loc Glin
Heat Rating: SCORCHING
Word Count: 21,305 words
Categories: Erotic Contemporary Romance (MF), HEA

Jennifer Hartstrum has trouble with men. Her relationship with an abusive father left her with a speech impediment that flares up only when she dates. Her friend talks her into trying an exciting new dating experience, the Anonymous Club, a place where a date is an adventure and fantasies can come true. One must choose an alias, and anonymity is guaranteed.

Andrew Martin is looking for a woman who can keep up with him outside of the bedroom as well as in bed. He tries the Anonymous Club with low expectations.

When Jennifer and Andrew meet, it is Chemistry 101. Have they found what they are looking for? In a world of aliases and mystery, is anyone really who they say they are? What happens when anonymity is good for one but not the other?


“Joe, do we have to go through this again?” Andrew tried to control his temper. “I told you. I’m not interested.” He left the kitchen and plopped down on the sofa.

“You keep saying you want to find someone who can keep up with you in bed,” Joe said from the kitchen as he grabbed a fresh beer from the fridge.

“That’s not exactly what I said. I said I want someone who can keep up with me out of bed as well as in bed.” Andrew took a sip of his beer.

“Whatever,” Joe said as he sat down in the La-Z-Boy across from Andrew. “I’m telling you it’s worth it. In bed, out of bed, it was f**king amazing. They create these elaborate settings. It makes you feel like you’re really there. If nothing else you will appreciate that end of it.”

“Joe,” Andrew warned.

“Look, I’m going to badger you until you agree so why don’t you save us some time and energy and agree now. If you had a money problem, I’d let it go but you don’t, so—”

“Joe...” There was an edge in Andrew’s tone.

“Andy, you know how stubborn I can be.”

“And annoying.”

“Yeah that, too,” Joe said, lifting the bottle to his lips.

“And stupid.”

“Hey, now that’s going too far.”

“I’m sorry. I guess you’re right. I need to change something because I’m not getting anywhere this way.”

“I’m not saying you’ll find your dream girl, but it will be different.”

“A compound sentence or a relative thought from a female. That would be different.”

“I don’t have any trouble talking with women.”

“You”—Andrew pointed his beer at Joe—“need to take a look at your standards.”

For excerpts and first chapter click here.

A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the 
Funny/Stupid and Interesting Tabs  

Come back and visit again. 

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