Monday, April 4, 2016

C. L. Ryan ~ welcome back - an interview and her novel ~ One Girl's Secret Demon

C. L. Ryan
CL Ryan was born in Bristol in 1959. Her early childhood was spent in rural Ireland before she returned to live in Bristol. Despite suffering from bullying, she thrived at school- becoming an international athlete and being offered a scholarship to Millfield.
One of four siblings, Ryan left school at 15 to help support her family.  After working as a sales assistant she was accepted, at 17, as one of the country’s youngest trainee operating nurses. 
At 19, Ryan suffered a serious accident, breaking her neck and incurring a head injury. After three years’ recuperation, she pursued her passion for cookery and entered the hospitality industry. After managing a string of successful pubs, she purchased her own which quickly became a much loved venue. She now runs a guest house in the West Country.
A mother to two sons, Ryan is passionate about parapsychology, nature and diving. Secret Demon is her first book.


Q: If your life were a movie would it be considered an action film, comedy, drama, romance, fantasy or a combination?
A: A total combination, a mad and dark epic

Q: Tell me one thing that your spouse does that really endears him/her to you. One thing that annoys you. These can be tiny little things, actually the smaller the better.
A:He’s my rock, always sure steadfast and secure, keeps me in line, and gives me good advice, although I know I don’t always want to hear it.

Q: Did you like school when you were a child?
A: Loved it, I always felt free when I was at school, it was one place I could be me,

Q: Snack of choice – chips, pretzels, popcorn, or cookies, cake, candy? Or maybe you’re a healthy snacker - fruit, yogurt, nuts, raisins?
A: Unfortunately!!!!  Crisps and cheese

Q: Have you ever been too embarrassed to promote any certain titles to friends or family?
A: No, not really, although not all the family have embraced Secret Demon, I’ve let the family secrets out!! So what I say, I am very proud of where I came from and where I am now!!


Q: Would you ever consider a joint project?
A: Yes of course, if James Patterson can do it, then anyone can

Q: Which of your own releases was your particular favorite?
A: Obviously the first one, it should be, it got me on the road to writing.

Q: How do you handle a writer's block?
A: Dancing, singing and a large glass of wine,!! It works honestly!

Q: Do you write long hand first, or does it go straight into the computer?
A: Always long hand first, then the magic appears as it goes onto the computer

Q: Are you a sit down and play it by ear kind of writer, or do you need a structured guideline, or maybe a little of both?
A: A little bit of both, nice to be able to move it all around until I feel I have a flow for the story

Q: When crafting the story do you go from beginning to end, or do you jump around writing the scenes that are pushing themselves forward in your brain?
A: Ending always first, then they tend to jumble, that’s what is happening with secret demon 4 that I am writing at the moment, but as they say!!! It all comes together in the end,

Q: Do you always know how a story will end when you begin writing it?
A: I have to always know what the ending is before I even write it, this lets me know where I can and will go with it.


Q: What are you working on now? Would you like to share anything about it?
A:Really excited about the Secret Demon Cook Book, as I am a chef, and had to cook from a very early age, there is so much cooking actually in the series of books, that my editor suggested that we do a cook book.  It will be full of precious family secret recipes that both myself and my sister have used over the years in our pubs and restaurants

Q: Do you have a new book coming out soon? Tell us about it.
A: Book 2, is Bad Demon, a continuation of the first, this time Megan is aged about 9 until about 13, its dark, funny, fast and sad all at the same time, hopefully, it will keep you turning the pages!

Q: How can we find you? Do you have a web page, FaceBook page or any buy links?
A: C.L.Ryan on facebook, and of course, buy links are being done on my site in the next week, sorry it all takes time.

Q: Are you currently participating in a blog tour? If you are let’s tell everyone where you’re going to be so they can catch up with you again.
A: No I am not, but would love to participate in one, if anyone wants me please ask, I would be delighted!

Secret Demon
Based on a true story, Secret Demon relates the astonishing, and often harrowing, childhood of a girl whose life is beset by abuse and demonic activity. We follow Megan as her idyllic early years in rural Ireland are abruptly ended when she is taken from her grandmother’s care to live with her parents in England.
While struggling to adapt to a new culture and being bullied at school, Megan’s life is dominated by the unpredictable behaviour of her troubled mother, Patsy. When her much loved father moves away to work, Megan is left to look after her siblings as Patsy’s life becomes engulfed by demonic possession and alcohol abuse.
Well-meaning social workers place Megan in an outwardly respectable home, only for her, and her brother, to suffer horrific abuse at the hands of their foster carer.
Upon returning to Patsy, Megan becomes increasingly aware of the demonic presence in her home which seems to be particularly focussed on her. She learns to cope with her demon and embraces her true nature- finally harnessing it to take on her playground tormentors.
Secret demon is a supernatural story of one little girl’s battle against abuse and neglect. It is the first of a series which follows Megan as her physical and spiritual lives unfold.

We'll see you again soon!

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