Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Michael Phillip Cash - presents - The Battle for Darracia

“How Fantasy Writers Can Use Real Life as Story Inspiration”
By Michael Phillip Cash

Whenever I hear someone say “write what you know” I want to scream. Writers, by nature, are imaginative souls who stockpile story ideas in their brains like squirrels store nuts for the winter. Some might even say many of us are nuts. But that’s neither here nor there. My point is if every author stuck with that outdated old adage we wouldn’t have Science Fiction Fantasy books, now would we?

The truth is there are only so many story ideas out there. It’s our job as writers to take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary. By using the world around us as inspiration we can set things on its proverbial ear and really wow our readers.

Often, you need look no further than your local newspaper or radio station. One small news story can spark a big idea. As an example, when I began writing The Battle of Darracia I knew I wanted to include the subject of social inequality to the plot. I’m all for the little guy, the one who can’t catch a break. I researched the idea and found tons of solid examples to build on this story catch. Having your characters persevere and triumph over adversity – in a fantastical way of course – will keep your readers involved and invested in your story and your characters.

The key with Science Fiction Fantasy is taking traditional plot elements and using your imagination to build your very own magical world. Think about the books you loved as a child. While the idea of three bears that live like humans is indeed fantasy, this could still be taken to an even more fantastic level. What if Goldie Locks had a magical talking dragon sidekick who turned her into a bear to teach her a lesson, but poor little Goldie was captured by a roving band of trolls who forced her to perform tricks at the annual troll festival and…you get the idea.

I suggest making a list of the everyday things that interest you and then brainstorm how you can put a magical spin on them. You’ll be surprised how quickly your fantasy world will begin to build.

About Michael Phillip Cash
Michael Phillip Cash is an award-winning novelist and screenwriter. His novel The Battle for Darracia is a three-part saga and is available on Amazon.

Michael’s novels are best-sellers on Amazon under their genres – Young Adult, Thriller, Suspense, Ghost, Action Adventure, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror. Michael writes full-time and lives on the North Shore of Long Island with his wonderful wife and screaming children. You can follow him @michaelpcash or connect with him via his website.

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