Friday, June 28, 2024

Teaser ~ for Anonymous by Loc Glin


By Loc Glin
Heat Rating: SCORCHING
Word Count: 21,305 words
Categories: Erotic Contemporary Romance (MF), HEA

Jennifer Hartstrum has trouble with men. Her relationship with an abusive father left her with a speech impediment that flares up only when she dates. Her friend talks her into trying an exciting new dating experience, the Anonymous Club, a place where a date is an adventure and fantasies can come true. One must choose an alias, and anonymity is guaranteed.

Andrew Martin is looking for a woman who can keep up with him outside of the bedroom as well as in bed. He tries the Anonymous Club with low expectations.

When Jennifer and Andrew meet, it is Chemistry 101. Have they found what they are looking for? In a world of aliases and mystery, is anyone really who they say they are? What happens when anonymity is good for one but not the other?


Jennifer walked into the Sultan’s Suite. The first thing that hit her was the opulence of the room. Mirrors on the wall in front of her gave it a spacious feel, but in truth it was a normal-size room. She could make out the bathroom door through the draperies decorating the side walls. No bed in this room, instead the floors were covered in thin Therapedic mattresses. Toss pillows of all shapes and sizes were strewn everywhere. Their earth tones and patterns complemented each other. There were beautiful bowls filled with fruit, and there was chilled wine. She found a bar and refrigerator artfully crafted into the decorations of the room. The music being piped in was exotic and slow. Her body wanted to move with it.

She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The harem slave girl outfit was very revealing and sexy, resembling an I Dream of Jeannie costume. The costume person layered her in large sheer scarves. When she asked why, the woman said, “Dance of the seven scarves. You know the strip.” She didn’t know, but she got the idea. Right now almost no skin showed. She would have to “strip” to get down to that Jeannie costume.

The makeup woman left her hair hanging loose. The temporary highlights were gone. Her hair was shoulder length in the front, and extended down to the middle of her shoulder-blades in the back. The thick waves always fell into her face. She would just have to deal with that tonight. She would also have to deal with the contact lenses. She looked at the prep card for this scenario and for the name of her partner. She was very pleased when she read Ace.

He opened the door. His Arabian Sheik costume made her smile. Such a contrast to the last time she saw him. The white, floor-length robe and head-cover left only his face and hands bare, and she could see his toes through his sandals when the robe moved.

His eyes fastened onto hers and a seductive smile touched his lips. “This is a bit of a surprise. I wasn’t expecting Harem Girl.”

“I have interests other than books.”

“So far I like those interests,” he said, closing the door.

“I see you made it to wardrobe this time.”

“Yeah, I kind of wish I hadn’t. Not exactly the height of fashion is it?” He indicated the robe.

“Fashion has nothing to do with it. It adds a certain air of mystery. For instance.” She paused looking pointedly at his crotch. “Are you wearing underpants beneath the folds of that robe?”


“No, no, you mustn’t tell.” She cut him off. Her breath moved the sheer material covering her face. “Come in and have a seat.” She nodded toward the padded floor area.

For excerpts and first chapter click here.

A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the 
Funny/Stupid and Interesting Tabs  
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Friday, June 21, 2024

Teaser ~ for Mission Almost Impossible by Loc Glin


Mission Almost Impossible
By Loc Glin
Genre: Erotic Romance
Word Count: 13,206
Heat Rating: SCORCHING

Categories: Erotic Romance (MF), Action/Adventure – Futuristic – Science Fiction

Published By: Luminosity Publishing
Available in: Adobe Acrobat, Epub, Mobipocket (.mobi)

Add to your TBR on Goodreads


The odds are against him, but Jerin will find a way! With or without the gene Kaley will be his…

On Setera, only one in four hundred thousand is born possessing the cryan gene—a gene essential to the survival of the Seteran race. Jerin and the others like him are duty bound to find the match to that gene somewhere in the universe, for it can no longer be found on Setera. With no clear instructions on how this task is to be accomplished it is a daunting undertaking, like finding a needle in a haystack.

Jerin’s assigned quadrant is Earth. After twelve years of searching he is beginning to lose hope, until the answer hits him over the head with a frying pan. Now all he has to do is convince this beautiful, feisty woman to follow him to another universe in a galaxy far far away.


She slid into the seat opposite him. “I’d like to hire you.” She smiled at him pleasantly.

“How do you know I possess the skills you require?”

The women of Earth seemed to find him attractive. He’d been propositioned before. This might be one of those situations.

“I specialize in ‘men for hire.’ You’re a man. I’m pretty sure I have something you’re qualified to do.” She gave a little snort as if it were obvious.

He let his eyes rove over her body and then drew his eyebrows together. “I don’t do that—” 

She laughed interrupting him. “That’s good because the Helping Hands Agency doesn’t do that either.”

He felt color rise to his cheeks.  He’d been on Earth for ten years, and sometimes he still read situations incorrectly. “I apologize for my assumption.”

“That’s quite all right. If a man approached me in a pub and offered me employment, I would probably assume the same thing. My name is Rebecca Redburn, by the way, and you are?”

“I am called Jerin.” He extended his hand in the manner of people making acquaintance.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jerin.” She smiled. “Please call me Becky. I’m sure we will enjoy a mutually satisfying arrangement.”

That meeting had taken place two years ago. Becky had been correct. Their arrangement was mutually gratifying. Working for her provided him with a wealth of opportunities to meet a great number of people, mostly women, which could possibly enable him to complete his mission. Each job Helping Hands sent him on offered the potential to reach that end.

When would he complete this mission? He was one of the rare, one in four hundred thousand, that was born with the cryan gene. Any Seteran, male or female, born with the gene was duty bound to search out and find the connecting gene in another humanoid species. It didn’t matter how long this mission took. He could not despair.


For excerpts and first chapter click here.

A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the
Funny/Stupid and Interesting Tabs
Come back and visit again.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Teaser ~ for Undivided Attention (A Mystic Museum Novella) by Loc Glin


Undivided Attention
The Mystic Museum Series 5
By Loc Glin
Genre: Erotic Romance
Word Count: 30,233
Heat Rating: SEXTREME

Categories: Erotic Romance (MF), bondage, spanking, paranormal elements, HEA 

On the eve of her wedding, Korina discovers the rumors of her betrothed’s hideous looks are true. Fearing the stories of his brutality are also factual she takes drastic action. The result of which lands her in an alien dimension.

Five years later she is compelled to visit Minerva’s Mystic Museum. The ‘powers that be’ have interceded giving her the chance to change that destiny.

Korina is sent home where she discovers it is the morning of her wedding day. Determined to do the right thing, she marries Adam.

Witches are not unknown to Korina, so how will she handle the curse that has divided her husband into two men?

Adam is caring and kind. Arun is, well, a bastard! Unbeknownst to her they are two halves of the whole man she has married.

Will Adam’s ugly face and Arun’s kinky sexual desires send her running home? Or, will she stay with her husband, honoring her betrothal commitment?

Does Korina have a kinky side as well?

How will she break the curse? Does she want to? 

Here is the premise for the Mystic Museum Series

Minerva’s Mystic Museum is located in New York City. Every full moon the “powers that be” choose someone from the visitors of the museum. This someone, known as the mystic walker, will be the hero/heroine of the novel. The “powers” select someone they feel deserves a second chance, or just a chance to follow their destiny. Minerva, the curator and caretaker of the museum meets the chosen mystic walker. Through the magic that has been entrusted to her, Minerva supplies them with the opportunity to change their lives.


Lester led a half-wild mare out of the stable.

Her complexion paled just slightly. The ice in his heart froze over anew. He was pleased that he’d frightened and upset her.

“Is she mine?” Korina asked in a mere whisper.

“Are you pleased?” he asked sarcastically.

“Is she mine?” Korina repeated more forcefully.

“She belongs to the mistress of the mansion.”

Korina smiled. “I must thank Adam when I see him. I’ve never dreamed of owning an animal such as this. She is magnificent.”

Korina moved toward the agitated animal as if in a dream. She caught Conduit’s head in her hands, and the mare calmed.

“We will be great friends, you and I.” She stroked the mare’s nose. “Today we ride to get acquainted.”

She pulled herself up into the saddle.

“What are we waiting for?” she asked, her tone mocking.

In one fluid motion, Arun pulled himself up onto his horse. He removed the whip from the horn of the saddle and let it fall to the ground. He pressed the handle into Rout’s neck before cracking the whip in the air above his head.

“We ride, Rout. Today we fly!” he exclaimed as dust puffed up beneath Rout’s hooves. “Try to keep up, my lady,” he called as his laughter filled the air.

“It will take more than that to lose us,” he heard from not too far behind him. Female laughter filled the air. Her enjoyment of the race was evident in the ring of its tone.

Arun cracked the whip about Rout’s ears once more. Rout pushed forward at a reckless pace. He heard Korina urge Conduit on. She does ride well. We shall see if she can keep her seat. Arun turned Rout toward the meadow with the fences, hedges, and tree stumps he used for jumping. Conduit should be able to clear most of the obstacles.

Rout cleared the first hedge with ease. Arun looked over his shoulder and saw Conduit follow just as easily. He put Rout through his paces. The horse knew the sequence well. Korina followed, but since she was unfamiliar with the area, slowed Conduit’s pace. Conduit had never run this course before. Arun was pleased with the mare’s ability. He looked over his shoulder frequently to see if Korina remained in the saddle.

The last hurdle would be the test. The first time he had taken Rout to that hedge, the horse had balked and refused to jump. He’d almost lost his seat. He was fairly sure Conduit would do the same. Would Korina be thrown when Conduit stopped short?

She would be mortified. He found himself eagerly anticipating her humiliation and embarrassment, yet he was concerned for her welfare, for he truly didn’t want her to be injured. This kind of concern Adam felt, not him.

For excerpts and first chapter click here.


A reminder to the reader ~ before you leave be sure to take a look at the 
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Friday, June 7, 2024

Teaser ~ for End Detour (A Mystic Museum Novella) by Loc Glin


End Detour
The Mystic Museum Series 4
By Loc Glin
Genre: Erotic Romance
Word Count: 32,964
Heat Rating: SEXTREME

Categories: Erotic Romance (MF), African-American, Contemporary, paranormal elements, HEA
Add to your TBR on Goodreads


Visiting Minerva’s Mystic Museum can change lives forever. Magic makes life altering changes possible. Can Shamika and Harold forgive and forget? Can they overcome trust issues and make a life together?

Shamika must give up the life that she has come to accept and trust as normal. Is it time for a change? Does she really want a change? Will her history as a prostitute make that change impossible? Does Harold’s stubbornness prevent it? The unlikely pair are about to find out.

One encounter in a barn catapults these two strangers down a road of self examination and rediscovery. Past events have tainted their visions of what life should be. The powers that be have given them the opportunity to change their lives. Join them as they conquer their fears and the past disappointments that haunt them.

Family ties will be drawn into question. A possible future together will terrify them.

Mystic Museum magic is in the air!


Set up for teaser – Shamika is talking with Nate. Nate is a farm hand. He met the farm owner’s daughter Cecily in New York.


“Was she your lover?”

“She was a good friend. We were friends with benefits.” He smiled sheepishly. “We liked each other but we weren’t in love.”

“Do her mother and father know?”

“About the benefits?”

“No, about her hooking.”

“I try to avoid anything about that part of Cecily’s life. Hugo knows and so does Harold. I don’t think Nadine does, but she might. She is a pretty smart lady.”

“That might explain Harold’s attitude.”

“Toward you?”

“Yeah. He hates me.”

“He acts like he hates all women. I think it’s a defense mechanism. I see him looking at you. Believe me, he doesn’t hate you. I’d say his feelings are far from hate.”

Shamika snorted. “Right, and pigs can fly.”

He shrugged. “Believe whatever you like.”

“I’ve got to go. I’m supposed to be gathering eggs.”

“No hard feelings?” he offered.

Shamika looked at Nate’s crotch. “Not from me.” She left the barn chuckling.

For excerpts and first chapter click here.

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